I believe God—Text: Acts 27

Intro: My introduction to the life of a mariner— perspective is everything (coast guard)

BIG: Believing God brings God’s blessings to us and opens up opportunities for those who need hope

Trans: My Bible is open to Acts 17. If Acts 17 declares to skeptics the God who made the world, then Acts 27 reminds us that He cares for His creation.

TRANS: 3 realizations in view here

One Day

THOT: Do you see the bigger picture in your EVERYDAY

In God’s eyes, there is no ordinary day no uneventful excursion through life. First part of this trip may appear mundane, rather uneventful but…

The life we view as uneventful is rather crowded with benchmarks marking God’s work in our lives. 

The geography testifies to it: though wintering in Fair Haven would have made more logical sense, the lack of a protected harbor and provision for lodging, pushed the pilot, ship owner, and centurion to opt to keep going towards Phoenix.

The relationships illuminate it: The people God put in place around Paul

Aristarchus- likely assumes servant hood to travel with Paul; Luke, likely signs on in similar fashion (we sections); and the centurion- always amazed at these individuals- hardened representatives of pagan authority, yet moved by the hand of a God who knows what Paul needs. 

The gospel writers cast a positive light upon the centurion at the cross, the soldiers who guarded Paul in prison, and this centurion who allows the apostle the opportunity to go ashore and renew fellowship. 

Even the timing of it all- in most cases no travel should be undertaken after late October, yet here they are traveling in November amidst unsettling conditions.

One Day

THOT: Did you forget that suffering is the rule, not the exception.

A reminder that life is not for the faint hearted – the younger crowd must find its excitement in the “adventure “ but has seemingly no stomach for the stuff of life

With no harbors in sight and the Euraklyon bearing down, look what they undertake:

– Bring lifeboat on board

– Frapped the vessel

– Lowered the mainsail and dropped the anchors

– Jettisoned the cargo

– Threw over the tackle

Remarkable- a man ordained to suffering- And then the loss of hope—In that one decisive moment, Paul moves from the captured to the conqueror— from no voice to the voice of God—from the darkness of despair, to the light of a revelation from God. The gift of faith has changed everything—-

Paul no rookie traveler— 3500 miles at sea under his belt over the course of 11 voyages. Barclays— Paul the most experienced travel on board.

They’re all going to get wet but they will survive— great illustration of the Christian life— you’re all going to get bumped, pushed, criticized, demeaned, maybe persecuted, but you will arrive safely in the presence of God.

One Day

THOT: Did you forget that God cares about the details of our lives?

God appeared to me last evening— I believe God… Sometimes we all need someone to stand up and tell us that God knows the situation and is not lacking the courage to act—

Stott—Paul believed in God, in his character and covenant, and was convinced that He(God) would keep his promises, even though the ship would have to run aground on some island”— 391

Illus- most historians agree that the outcome of the civil turned upon the outcome of the second and third day at Gettysburg, and the second day’s victory turned upon a crucial, yet unconventional move of one Joshua Chamberlain to maneuver his forcing in a flanking motion catching the south off guard and out of position. The specifics

We all must stay together— the foiled escape plan (27:31)

We all must eat— 27:33-38

We all must stay alive— the thwarted plan to kill the prisoners, even at his own risk, they are kept alive.

One Day


Because of this: App


When we’re stuck in the uneventful: Pursue Him. never conclude that God has no interest in us or has forgotten us. You might be sailing into your life under your own power, and yet fail to realize the manner in which God has made himself known to you.

When we’re up against the unimaginable: listen to Him. we must find our hope in God… we can trust him. 

Ps. 42-43

When we’re confronted with the unmistakable: Praise Him. we know that God has promised not to leave us or forsake us. Heb.2:8-10


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